Tuesday, September 09, 2014

A Response to Domestic Violence

My Lord, Jesus Christ, was abused to death.  Jesus only showed anger when abuse was done to other children of God or to God’s house.  He was very clear on those accounts and so should we be.

Ray Rice, former running back for the Baltimore Ravens, abused his then fiancé.  He used his fist to make her unconscious.  It was caught on videotape for us all to see.

I look to my reading of the Bible, to the reasoning of my course work in psychology and sociology, to my experience of the family and church that raised me, to the words of my mentors and role models, to the voice of God in my life … domestic violence is wrong.

There is no place for violence in the household.  Regardless the gender of the victim or the perpetrator, violence is wrong.  The type of violence never provides an excuse.  Physical, verbal, emotional violence is wrong.   The age of those involved never provide rationale for violence.  Domestic violence is wrong.

It is possible to use eloquence and euphemism to discuss domestic violence.  Still domestic violence is wrong.  Though none of us are perfect, none of us earn domestic violence.  

How can we respond as Christian brothers and sisters who seek to hold our heads high before our God and our neighbor?
  1.  God calls us to love our neighbor as ourself.  If we witness domestic violence, we cannot both turn a blind eye and love our neighbor.  Both victim and perpetrator need help.

2.  We are not alone.  To confront domestic violence, reach out.  From ministers to police officers, from church Elders to Educators, there is a network of people prepared to deal with domestic violence.  

3.  Numbers count:  If in doubt, call 911.  Local resources include … Oasis Center (618) 465-1978; Glen Ed Pantry (618) 656-7506; Lydia’s House (314) 771-4411; First Christian Church (618) 656-7498

God calls Christians to be known by their love.  Love is never an excuse to ignore domestic violence.  Love is a power to set each one safe.

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