Thursday, April 30, 2015

Faith on Holiday? on Vacation?

We are heading into a season of holidays and vacations.  From Mother’s Day to Memorial Day, from Father’s Day to Fourth of July, we are heading into a season of relationship.  I pray that you and your family / friends will celebrate these days in a way that brings you rest and renewal.

More that, I pray that these days will be an opportunity for you to grow your faith.

How do you honor your relationship with Jesus in this coming season?

On Mother’s Day, as you honor your Mom, what if we remember when Mary responded to the announcement that she would give birth to God’s child.  God called and she said, “Here I am”.  Where are you with God’s call?

On Memorial Day, as we honor those who gave the most to protect the freedom our country affords, what if we remember those who gave the most to pass along the faith we share?  The martyrs of the faith gave their life as a witness to their relationship with Jesus.  What if we teach this to those we love?

On Father’s Day, as we honor those who have been Dad to us, what if we honor our heavenly Father?  What if we recall the one who created us all and all we know?  What if we remember the One who sustains and redeems us, who is the author of all true justice and mercy?  What if you allowed yourself to be embraced by our heavenly Father’s love?

On the Fourth of July, as we honor the founders of our country and their claims of freedom and justice for all, what if we remembered the claims of our ancestors of faith?  What if we honored our relationship with Jesus by celebrating an open communion table?  What if we allowed God to set us free of the bondage we too often carry each day?

What if Jesus went on vacation with you?  You know the Jesus who made wine at the wedding in Cana.  You know the Jesus who called Zacchaeus from the tree to share a meal.  What if Jesus joined you on the beach or the mountain or the stay-cation?  

At a well, Jesus gave a woman life giving water.  In the wilderness, Jesus gave a crowd more than enough to eat.  On the water, Jesus stilled a storm that scared the disciples.  

When we invite Jesus to join us on vacation or holiday, we are renewed in ways beyond imagining!  If you want the address of our nearest sister church to your trip, contact the office.  If you want prayer and worship resource material to take with you on your vacation / holiday, contact the church office.  If you want prayer / worship content for your stay-cation and or every day, contact the church office.

Blessings on your in your travels may they be safe and may the journey provide more memories than the destination.

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